A Directory of Selected
Private Practice Therapists
Offering highest quality psychotherapy in Santa Cruz & Montery Counties
Shine a Light Counseling Center offers this directory to assist community members seeking a licensed therapist, in private practice, who might be a good fit. We carefully screen therapists to ensure the quality of services provided by each listing therapist.
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Do You Have Private Insurance Coverage?
If you have health insurance, you can search this directory for an in-network provider. If you cannot find one here, you can contact your insurance company for a list of in-network providers. Using an in-network provider will result in lower costs to you.
Do You Have Out-of-Network Coverage?
If your insurance plan has out-of-network benefits, then you have more choice in finding a therapist. You can use our Out-of-Network-Benefit-Checker to see what your costs would be. All of the therapists in this directory can provide claim information to help you apply for reimbursement for out-of-network benefits. We even have a tool that make submitting your claim really easy. Learn more here.
Shine a Light Counseling Center
Shine a Light Counseling Center is a non-profit agency providing professional training for new and experienced therapists. We offer affordable psychotherapy using a sliding scale, or Medi-Cal insurance benefits. When clients need specialty services from licensed therapists, or when no regular staff therapists are available, Shine a Light refers clients to this directory of licensed therapists in private practice.
If you need a low sliding scale fee, please contact Shine a Light Counseling Center. We have a diverse staff of pre-licensed therapists available.
This Directory
This directory is a public service. Included practitioners are alumni of Shine a Light Counseling Center training programs or otherwise carefully screened therapists. These therapists have their own private practices, but bill for services collectively as part of the Shine a Light Licensed Group Practice. Shine a Light Counseling Center assumes no legal responsibility for their work, as these are independent practitioners.